(Marty plays the first note and is thrown backwards by the force into some
things lying around, the shelf behind him tips over and everything from the shelf lands on him. Marty gets up and realizes
the amplifier has been overloaded.)
Marty: Whoa. Rock n' Roll.
[Alarm Bell Ringing]

Marty: Yo. Hey.
Doc: Marty, is that you?
Marty: Hey, Hey Doc. Where are you?
Doc: Thank God, I've found you. Can you meet me at Twin Pines Mall tonight
at 1:15? I've made a major breakthrough and I'll need your assistance.
Marty: Wait-Wait a minut. 1:15 in the morning?
Doc: Yeah.
Marty: Doc, what's goin' on? Where ya been all week?
Doc: Workin'
Marty: Where's Einstein is he with you?
Doc: Yeah, he's right here.
Marty: You know Doc, you left your equipment on all week.
Doc: My equipment? That reminds me, Marty. You better not hook up to the
amplifier. There's a slight possibility of overload.

Marty: Yeah, I'll keep that in mind.
Doc: Good. I'll see you tonight. Don't forget now, 1:15a.m., Twin Pines
Marty: Right.

Of all the clocks that Doc has, he has one with 5 different time zones.
[Clocks Ringing, Chiming, Cuckooing]
Doc: Are those my clocks I hear?
Marty: Yeah, it's 8:00.
Doc: Perfect! My experiment worked! They're all exactly 25 minutes slow!
Marty: Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling me that it's 8:25?
Doc: Precisely.
Marty: Damn! I'm late for school.

There is a Burger King outside of Doc's Garage, it also appears that
Doc has some Burger King wrappers in his Garage, so it seems that he may eat Burger King for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
Huey Lewis and the News: The Power of Love is a curious thing, Make one man weep, Make another
man sing. Change your heart to a little white dove. More than a feeling that's the power of love. You don't need money, don't
take fame, don't need no credit card to ride this train. It's strong and it's sudden and it's cruel sometimes but it might
just save your life. That's the power of love.

Some people believe that the man driving the Jeep is Steven Spielberg,
that is false. The man actually driving the Jeep is Walter Scott, a stunt coordinator.